The most basic function of the bot is the proxy function, which is demonstrated below:Ībove, I registered a new tupper and then sent the message >Hello! which was detected, deleted, and replaced with a message that appears to be sent by my newly registered tupper. However, there is a slight learning curve in using the bot, but getting started is very easy. Like any bot, the help command is the best way to learn how to use it, and can be executed by typing tul!help. It comes with many moderator tools to prevent abuse as well as an active support community in our support server, you can register as many tuppers as you want, and organize them with groups, individual tags and descriptions, and other fun details. It is successful in these communities because they benefit greatly from being able to send messages under various different 'identities' on the fly, whether that's to represent another person speaking with the account or a character's line of dialogue in a roleplay.

Tupperbox has found widespread usage in several communities that benefit greatly from these pseudo-accounts, such as plural communities and roleplay servers. Any user can easily react to the proxied message with a ❓ to see who originally sent it. Proxied messages are sent via webhooks and show up with a "Bot" tag, which obscures who originally sent the message - but Tupperbox does not provide any anonymity by default. You can set any prefix and suffix (together termed "brackets") to proxy with a tupper.

These "accounts" made with the bot are termed "tuppers" by default and the act of sending a message through a tupper is called "proxying". Tupperbox allows you the convenience of having multiple accounts with different names and avatars without any of the hassle of logging out and in to each of them. Visit the official Tupperbox website for more info and an online user guide! What